Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Planet Profiles #1

Hey Kids,

We are studying our solar system. What are your questions about our planets? What is one very cool fact you know about a planet? Put these responses in a blog!

Be cool,
Mr. P


Unknown said...

Posted by Chelsea:

I know that the side of Mercury that faces toward the sun heats up to 800 degrees Farenheit which is enough to melt lead.

Unknown said...

I know that if Neptune was hollow, it would fit 56 earth's inside of it.

--sarah ray--

Unknown said...

Our Planet is Venus which is the second farthest from the sun.Also it is the hottest.We also found out that the relvovution takes a shorter period of time.

Ellie Butler said...

On our Encore field trip, we watched a video on Mars. It said that there were rocks discovered on Mars that were evaporites, which means they were formed by water. Therefore, there was once water on Mars!